Hello. I like to draw things. Mainly Teen Titans art but also stuff from other shows/games on occasion too. I'm open to taking requests so feel free to pm me if you have an idea and if I'm interested enough in it then I'll try to draw it.

Joined on 12/13/18

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Hey everyone. This is a repost from my Patreon but it's something I need to let you all here know too. I've actually been holding off from making this post for a few days now because it's a hard one to make and I know it's probably going to come as a shock for all of you but it's ultimately something I need to let you all know. I'm going to be stepping away from making art.

For the past few months I've been struggling a lot with anxiety when working on art. At first I thought that it was because maybe I was overworking myself and I just needed to take breaks but even after giving myself breaks from art, I've noticed that not only has the anxiety not gone away but it has only gotten worse as time went on. I've been trying to deny it to myself for quite some time now and not wanting to believe that it's true but I think the harsh reality is... I've just lost the passion to make art.

I've been doing this art stuff for about 6 years now and it's been a crazy ride and a lot of fun. But I think I'm just at a point in my life now where I feel like I've had my fill doing this and I'm now ready to step away and try something different.

So where does this leave us? While I do want to step away from doing art, I also don't want just up and abandon everyone right here and right now. I feel terrible knowing I'm going to be disappointing people and letting them down so what I will be trying to do is sticking around for a little bit longer and make a few more bits of art before I go. I'll likely be making art at a much slower pace than you are already used to seeing from me though since I'll probably only be working on art when I'm truly in the right mood to do it.

I also want to apologize deeply to all of you who have been patiently waiting for me to work on my request up until this point. I'm sorry. I'm not going to be able to work on them and I understand if you are angry or upset with me because of that. You have every right to be upset with me and I just have to accept that I've hurt a lot of people for leading them on because I kept telling myself "maybe someday I'll get around to drawing it".

So that's that then. It's been a hard thing to get off my chest. I definitely should have told everyone this much sooner but I was unable to due to me suppressing how I've truly been feeling about all this. I'm extremely thankful for all of you that have followed me and supported me over the years. It really has been a truly overwhelming thing for me.

As I said before I'm gonna try to stick for a little while and make a few more pieces of art if I can manage it. I'm sorry if I don't end up responding to the messages and comments that you send me from here on out. I appreciate them all but I'll likely be cutting things back with my engagement as I wind things down.

Again, thank you all for supporting me all this time. Words can't express how overwhelming and fortunate I have been to receive your support and I apologize for any inconvenience this may cause for any of you. Here's hoping I can manage to give you a few more fun pieces of art before I go!


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