Hey there. With the tumblrpocalypse approaching, now seemed like a good time as any to explore other sites to post my stuff. For everyone who is just stumbling upon this page, I'm pretty much just a fella that likes to make a lot of Teen Titans art but sometimes I also do art from other shows and games that I like too. If any of that interests you then feel free to stick around. I probably won't be reuploading all the art that I've made so far here but rather just a selection of them that hopefully gives you an idea of what I draw. If you happen to be interested enough to see a full archive of my art then feel free to check out either my DeviantArt or Pixiv.
So that's really all I have to say for now. Hopefully I'll have some new art to share relatively soon.
thank god, man i have been looking for you since your tumblr account went down. i love your stuff and i am glad you came back!
I haven't gone anywhere. My tumblr is still up as far as I know but then again the art on there probably isn't going to stay up much longer.